• Aquatics: Monday - Friday 5:30am - 8pm
  • Fitness: Monday - Friday 5:30am - 9pm
  • Aquatics: Weekends 7am - 7pm
  • Fitness: Weekends 7am - 7pm
  • Public Holidays 7am - 7pm
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Q. Why should I or my child learn to swim?

A. New Zealand is an island nation. We are no more than 40 minutes to a beach, river, lake or stream. A lot of our recreational activities are water-based and being able to swim will ensure that you or your child can safely be part of the fun.

Q. When should I or my child stop swimming?

A. Water Safety NZ have recommended that every person in NZ should be able to confidently swim 200m continuously and competently. However swimming is an activity that needs continual practice. If you stop you may go backwards in fitness and technique.

Q. I am really fit – I run and bike a lot, why do I find it so hard to swim?

A. Swimming fitness is very different to land based activities. In the water you have to control your breathing and co-ordinate your limbs.

Q. Why is technique more important than distance?

A. We believe that technique at the early stages is VERY IMPORTANT! If a beginner swimmer swims one length poorly – without feed back they are learning bad habits. We stop swimmers so we can communicate with them and give them feedback on how to improve.

Q. Why doesn't my child improve like others?

A. Simple. We are all different in all areas. You should never compare your child to other children as everyone has different learning and physical capabilities. Developmental stages must always be considered. Just like school...children are in different reading and math groups.

Q. What size are your classes?

  • Infant 8 per class and Preschool 4 per class.
  • School Age have a maximum of 5 per class.

Q. Do I need to stay for my child's lesson?

A. Yes, parents of children under 8 years old need to supervise their child/children before and after lessons (phone use is strictly prohibited during the lesson time).

Q. What is the cost of lessons for children?

A. Programme fees are outlined in the Key Dates & Fees section of this website.

Q. Do you offer private lessons?

A. Yes we do – either for individuals or small groups. Contact the swim school via email on

Q. When do I need to pay my fees by?

A.  Fees need to be paid upfront, there will be more details provided about fees in your invoice.